I had a girls night out tonight! We had a blast at Mikata's. On the way home, however, I got a call from our babysitter that Chloe fell and had gash on her head that was pretty deep. Well, of course, Rob is at AT-- so I call my good friend Kara. (she's also the children's minister at our church). She has 4 boys and has seen her share of cuts--she said it definitely needed to go the the ER, so off we went-- and she came too! Chloe enjoyed the toys she brought and I enjoyed her company! She has just been through this with her youngest-- and knew how I was feeling. Thankfully Chloe only had to have dermabond-- the glue. She did SOO well! She got a little upset but just sat still and let us comfort her! THANK YOU LORD THAT WE DIDNT HAVE TO GET STICHES!
I've got tons of pics from mothers day weekend-- I'll post them soon! Have a great day!
Poor baby! That just breaks my heart!