Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hello!! It has been a few weeks since our last post! Here are Mother's day weekend pictures, as promised! We had a wonderful time at Mama Chloe's house! It is always a blast when we go! We love spending time with the family! Chloe and I went up early and picked up Ashley and Noah on our way to Mama Chloe's. We Grandma-napped her and took her to Ruby Tuesdays for a special treat! She is so precious and we are so grateful to have her in our lives!

Chloe snuggling with Papa Bear after church!

I absolutly love this picture of my angel! She is such a doll!!

Mom joked that dad was trying to make it on the blog! haha :o)

When we were kids, we would always spend the morning time on the screened-in porch down stairs. Papa John LOVED drinking his coffee down here in the mornings--and the tradition has continued! This is Mama Chloe, Aunt Linda, Chloe and Noah! PJ's are required!

Nice view from up high! Chloe is on Ashley's shoulders and Noah is on Lindsey's!

Bath time!
Marching around in a diaper and shoes! :o)

And now for the videos! Chloe and Noah taking a bath and Chloe "talking on the phone!" The voice in the back is Aunt Linda, telling Uncle Bill what to get at Publix over the phone!

Have a wonderful week! More to come!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chloe's First ER Trip!

I had a girls night out tonight! We had a blast at Mikata's. On the way home, however, I got a call from our babysitter that Chloe fell and had gash on her head that was pretty deep. Well, of course, Rob is at AT-- so I call my good friend Kara. (she's also the children's minister at our church). She has 4 boys and has seen her share of cuts--she said it definitely needed to go the the ER, so off we went-- and she came too! Chloe enjoyed the toys she brought and I enjoyed her company! She has just been through this with her youngest-- and knew how I was feeling. Thankfully Chloe only had to have dermabond-- the glue. She did SOO well! She got a little upset but just sat still and let us comfort her! THANK YOU LORD THAT WE DIDNT HAVE TO GET STICHES!

I've got tons of pics from mothers day weekend-- I'll post them soon! Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What We've Been Up To!

Chloe having fun with the beach toys! Peek a Boo!

At the beach with mom and Chloe for the day

Two Saturdays ago-- Rob, Chloe and I went down for the day to Destin

Chloe has crossed her ankles since before she made her debut! We have sonogram pictures to prove it!
At the Montgomery Zoo-- we went with our friends, the Hawkins!

Isn't that the sweetest picture!

Chloe playing with Addison, Mattea's litte girl, on one of our visits!

More zoo pictures!

I try to keep this blog updated-- sorry for the days (and sometimes weeks) of not posting! We just get SOO busy in our day! :o) We are enjoying the pool already! Chloe can stand on the bottom step! She's such a tall girl! We'll have more pictures next week! Chloe and her cousin Noah are going to be getting in some face time! And so are their mommies! A lot of the fam is meeting at Mama Chloe's house for Mother's Day weekend-- Ashley, the kids and I are starting a little early! :o) Have a wonderful week!

Funny Quotes this week:
"Common Stinky!" after changing Chloe's diaper, we were on the way to flush her "stinky"..I must not have been moving fast enough! :o)

"Moe (more) AppleSaaauuuuuuuceeee" her most southern sounding word!

More videos coming soon!