Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quotes of the Day



"Mommy, night night, nurse, paci, UMM!"

"Har Boy Treat!" (after coming in from walking Harley, she goes to where his treats are).

"Good Har-B0y" as he gets his treat

"Abc, Mommy, ABC!"

Boom Boom!! ABC!" from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Well, that's enough for tonight!


  1. "Chloe obey" is my new favorite quote. It's saves you from reminding her to obey. She can tell herself!

    That Easter celebration looked like fun.

  2. Ada, I love your blog...I try and keep up with it and it has been so much fun watching Chloe grow and change..she really is going to be a talker!!! You are a wonderful mother! These blogs that you young mothers do is such a blessing to we grandmothers. Ashley's blog has helped me be there as Noah is growing and changing when I cannot. Love you sweetie!! We are coming...just do not know when...Aunt Linda
