Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hello Again
Lots has been happening at our house in the past two weeks! Chloe is finally saying Mama and she took TWO STEPS last night for the first time! WOW! It is so hard to believe. At first, Chloe would only say "MAMA" when in distress. On Tuesday, however, while I was changing her diaper, she looked up and said "Mama" in the sweetest tone! It's like she could finally express how she felt! :o) Or so I think! It is so amazing to see how much she takes in every day! She is talking up a storm just about the whole time she is awake! :) She loves to hug Harley!

We have also had visitors a couple of weekends. Rob's sister Heather, and her husband Josh came and then the next weekend Pops and Nana came too! (Pics below!) It was great to see them and catch up! We grilled out for the Alabama game and had a good ol time! We topped it all off with a visit from Papa Bear and Hunny. They came to babysit Chloe for an appointment I had in Montgomery. Its always nice to have them around! :) Mom and I figured out how to do the timed baking in our oven, so we had dinner hot and ready when we got home from church! It's a WONDERFUL feature I plan on using every Sunday!

Chloe with Pops and Nana

Josh and Rob Grilling out Heather watching the boys grill

We took Chloe to her first football game on Saturday. It was homecoming for the Troy Trojans. We were just going to see the parade and enjoy being out in this wonderful weather, but someone came up to us and offered free tickets. It was a lot of fun! Chloe enjoyed the entire morning. Seeing all the people, and who she could get to talk to/laugh with her. She is a flirt if I ever saw one! We only stayed until the end of the first quarter though, because it was a little chilly and of course, Alabama was playing LSU at the same time! But it was great fun while we were there! We were amazed at how great she did! I wish we had pictures from our outing. We were not planning on going to the game though!

Chloe and I went to visit Papa Bear and Hunny two weekends ago. We went to the park to feed the ducks! Chloe got a big kick out of that! She quacked right along with them! I have pictures on my phone...if only I can figure out how to get them on here!
Chloe had her 12 month check up today. She weighs 19 lb 10 oz. and is 30 1/4 in long! Dr Pearlstein says she is doing so well! :) Great to have a good report! She did have to get one shot today though :( So remember her in your prayers please! I appologize for all the periods in between posts.Days are just filled with playing with Chloe and doing housework! If only I had a magic wand..or some drawfs! :) I do love this season though! So much fun to be had!!
Oh, and the other evening I was getting Chloe ready for her bath. I had stripped her down and was getting the water running, etc. I look over and she was in the process of climbing in her tub. SO CUTE!

Have a great one! We'll see you soon!


  1. Wow!! Your mom was right...almost 30 pounds!!:) What a blessing to have such a happy and healthy baby!!:)
    I loved reading about all the new things Chloe is doing! I am sure when she says, "Mama" it melts your heart!!
    Thanks for always being a great encouragement to me! I love you!:)

  2. Yea....19 pounds sounds about right!:)

  3. We just back from seeing Papa Bear and Hunny in Baxter! We loved seeing pictures of adorable little Gevreth!:) Chloe will really enjoy having a new cousin!:)

    It looks like you had a great time with Rob's family.:) We are trying to find a time to come visit you and see your beautiful new home. Maybe we could make a road trip with Ashley, Noah, and Grandma Chloe too! And I'm sure you Mom would meet us there!

    Looking forward to seeing you all at Thanksgiving!
    We love you!
