I appologize for the lapse in time since our last post! Things have been crazy with this Handley family! :) Rob had a two week trip to VA, and a side trip to D.C. and Chloe and I were at Papa Bear and Hunny's (and the beach for a weekend).
Our sweet Chloe is growing so much every day! It is amazing to see how she changes! She is signing "more" on a very consistant basis. And if you catch her, you can see her sign "eat" when she is starting to get hungry. She signs "more" not only at meals but when she wants "more" of something: more Daddy, more Harley, read more books. She is such a delight!
Pulling up is a daily neccesity in our home! If she can get her hands on something, she will pull up on it! Play time is so much fun too! She is just so happy! She is trying to practice standing in safe situations. I put her in the pack-n-play with toys while I cook. She likes to pull up, let go and stand for about 10 seconds before sitting down. OH SO CUTE! I went in to pick her up after a nap yesterday and she was DANCING in her crib- this child loves life! :o) One of my favorite things is when we are playing in the floor, she will crawl over to me, pull up and give me the biggest hug! When she "blows kisses" she sucks her little lips in and makes a pop sound! It's soo cute!
ALERT, ALERT, ALERT! We have a new word in our vocabulary: "baby". She says it so clearly!! We have the Baby! Baby! book, which has a picture of a human baby and an animal baby making the same face, pose, etc. She will point to the baby and say it! :) What a big girl! She tries to say doggie and Harley- but they are not very clear yet! She can say "hey" and "dada". We are still working on "mama"!
One thing is for sure, this girl loves her daddy! A few weeks ago, Chloe was fighting going to bed (which is a rare thing). She had only seen Rob for just a few minutes that morning. He was working late but came home for about 20 minutes before heading back to the office. He read books to Chloe, they played and had cuddle time. He was heading back out and she reached out and just started crying for her daddy! Allegator tears! It is so precious to see the man I love nurturing our little girl so well! They don't get to spend a whole lot of time together but thankfully they have an awesome daddy-daughter bond! :P
Chloe absolultly loves to read books. Here are some shots I snapped the other day when she got into her ENTIRE book collection! She was having the best time! :p

Thanks for taking an interest in our lives! :) It is a wonderful adventure!
LOVE IS..............SpOnTanEoUs HuGs and KiSsES!
Chloe giving Harley a hug!(you can see the purple clad arm draped around his neck!)
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The Handley Fam
ooohhhh....I love the new blog format!! It was great to talk with you today!:) Hug that sweet girl for us. We love you!