Saturday, June 12, 2010

Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, and mind

"Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Last summer, our church's focus was on generational faithfullness and intentionally teaching our children the precepts of God. I thank them for leading us in this direction and giving us tools to guide us. They have truly come alomg beside us as great support as we raise the next generation for Christ.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Meeting for the first time

Sugars during a photo shoot

Cuddles on our bed!
Sisters are special! These two have so much fun ahead! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas 2009

Hanging Ornaments on the tree! What fun Christmas was this year for us! I cannot believe we are getting close to the end of January and I'm just now getting around to posting our December Festivities! Chloe had a WONDERFUL time decorating our tree this year! :)

The little red and white ornaments she loves to "boing". Very very cute!

The second weekend in December, we went to visit Pops and Nana (Rob's parents) and have our Christmas with his side of the family. Chloe enjoyed helping everyone open their own presents! :)
"What did you get Pops?"

Opening a book from Aunt Heather and Uncle Josh

A week or so later, we had our Preschool Birthday Party for Jesus at church. Chloe had a great time singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, making crafts, and holding and washing "baby Jesus". She did not want to pass the baby on when her turn was over! :)

All of the little girls just loved Chloe and wanted to hold her hand and even hold her in their laps! It was too cute!

Blowing her party favor for baby Jesus!

Aren't those two cute!! :) We had a stomach virus at our house the weekend before and during Christmas! Chloe had a touch of it, as well as Papa Bear and me. The virus itself was no fun, but we enjoyed having Papa Bear and Hunny for a little over a week!

Chloe Mae, trying out her new house shoes! She LOVES them! And I love that they keep her feet warm on the cold tile!

Finger paints were part of Chloe's christmas this year! This is the only picture I have of me from the week..its scary I know! But look at that big belly! :)

Chloe loves the "Read and Share Bible Stories DVD's" she got her second one from PB and H for Christmas...shh...don't tell her..but she's getting another one when they come to keep her while I'm in the hospital with baby Olivia! :) She will ask to watch it multiple times a day..and is grasping the stories too! :)

Even with illness, Christmas morning was a blast. This year, we decided we will be staying home for Christmas. We want to establish our own family traditions, and let our children enjoy Christmas morning at our house. We were so delighted PB and H could come spend it with us this year! As far as Chirstmas dinner is concerned...we have started a NEW tradition. steak and shrimp cabobs made the list this year, with bell peppers and new potatoes...and I can't remember whatelse we had..but it was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!