We had Chloe's 15 month check up about a week and a half ago! She is 20.8 lbs and 31 in long! She has come a long way from the 7lb 14oz and 20 in she was at birth! Walking, and talking up a storm! She learns to speak a new word just about every day! Today's words happened to be lovie and paci. Two days ago it was applesauce! The doctor says she is growing strong! He is impressed with her verbal skills and all around self! He asked me straight out if we were a Babywise family the first time we went to his office- that spoke WONDERS to me! He was able to see the difference in demenor and dicipline! Yea Chloe Mae!Here are some shots a took the other day!

Growing SO BIG!
Always Looking Up!
I LOVE this picture of my angel!
What is so interesting? Must be a bird!
Loving on Harley Boy! (or as Chloe says it, HarBoY!)
Investigating acorns and such!
One of the many things Chloe looks up at, one of our resident squirrels. She will hold up an acorn and go "Squirrel, Squirrel!"
Gotta love that cutie!
We've been reading her Jesus Loves Me song Book she got for Christmas every day. She will go pick it up now and say "Bible! Jesus!" and will say Bible during the song when we pause! It feels so wonderful to be teaching her about God at such a young age! We try to incorporate lessons into every day life! She delights in obedience! She will clap and exclaim "Obey Obey!!". I hope and pray that obedience will always matter to her and that she will rejoice in obeying our Heavenly Father too!