Rain, More Rain, and a Crazy Siren Guy!
We have been having storms off of Tropical Strom Fay since Saturday! And today, our emergency siren guy was working overtime...a little trigger happy, according to Rob! We get a little cabin fever when it rains! Harley will NOT go out to potty, and we all miss our twice a day walks!
Here is another video of the lovely days at our home! Our sweet girl changes every day! She loves her Da, and her playtime with him when he gets home from work! Soon to come is our first science project: Cause and Effect! It's sure to be a pleaser! :)Chloe was enjoying playing with! the diaper box today! She loves to pat it!
We will be heading up to Mama Chloe's on Friday afternoon! We cannot wait to see everyone! I know Noah and Chloe will have a ton of fun getting to know each other! They have a lot of catching up to do since the beach trip! :)
Catching up on life; Noah and Chloe. (with assistance from Uncle Bill and Rob!
Love is....Chloe reaching for who she wants to go to! She LOVES when her daddy comes home at lunch and in the afternoons!
The video uploader has not been working...so here are some pictures of our life!